Monday, February 23, 2015

Thunder Jack

Here is a photo I captured over the weekend of Thunder Jack, a statue outside of Wilsall, Montana. After editing, I realized that Jack is looking out of the frame while the picture flows to the right. Besides this, I like the snow capped Crazy Mountains in the background.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Over the weekend I traveled home to Shields Valley and took quite a few pictures. After some editing, I thought this one turned out nicely.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Traveling Abroad

While researching our group project, I found these tips that could be useful if I were ever to travel internationally to New Zealand. However, keeping your eye out for Uruk-Hai and Nazgul did not make the list.

3 Photo Submission

 ISO: 100 
1/90 sec

 ISO 200
1/125 sec
ISO 100 
1/500 sec.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

While trying to come up with blog ideas, I began to search for nature images of Elk, one of my favorite animals. I came across this image shot by Bob Shank in Pennsylvania. The image is great for a variety of reasons. First and foremost is the action that the images captures. The sound of an Elk bugle can never be forgotten when witnessed in person. Secondly, the subject is positioned nicely in the left third of the photo. Finally, the blurred background doesn't distract from the subject, but is just clear enough to show the colors of the fall leaves changing colors.